Research and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th

Finished Music Video: January 11th

Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog:13th January

Wednesday, 22 December 2010


Here are some of the edits we have used in today's lesson. After completing the music video, we decided to then use a different edit for each location to create a clear separation between the locations.

We used the "Colour TV" edit on imovie and changed the width so that the various colours were more striking and bold. We believe this suits our genre as it is conceptual and has many elements that suit the style of Daft Punk.

Here we used the "Newspaper" edit to make look more like a film as it follows a narrative structure. 

Here we have used the "Mirror" edit to make an interesting illusion of characters appearing from nowhere we believed this matches our conceptual theme.

We put a keyboard on the floor of the green screen and used "green screen smooth" edit to use the foil from the background of one of locations to use as the background for the green screen.

By Emma and Harriet.

Monday, 20 December 2010

Website editing 20/12


CD cover final versions

From the most recent CD cover edit i used the same image for the front cover and added the text 'daft punk' to the record as before. Instead of using the pink font for the text, I wanted to echo the banner font within the CD cover. I also used part of the banner image and made it look tattered as I did on the website. In my opinion this CD cover is a better match to the website.

For the front cover we planned to use the image I have composed and now added to the back cover. We decided against this so that our digipak would be a better match to the website.

The way in which i made this image is shown below:
I took an extreme close up of Harriet's eyes, making sure i lit her well so that the colours were vibrant.

I then edited the image in Photoshop using the filter 'glowing edges' and increasing the edge width and edge brightness so that the colours appear vibrant.

I wanted to take the image blurry but because i needed clear, vibrant colours I used the motion blur filter horizontally. I then cut out the image using the magic eraser and placed it on the light drawing ball i made.


Wednesday, 15 December 2010

CD Cover development

I wanted to make the CD cover and website look as much of a package as possible and so i tried using the same kind of colour schemes. However, we feel that these compositions are too simple and need more layers and complex imagery. Also, it doesn't differ enough from the website.

I like the fact that the pink spray paint on the floor is complimented by the pink splats on the back cover and writing on the LP.


Feedback on our video

In today's lesson we were asked to watch each others videos, which was useful to find out what we were doing wrong and how to improve upon it.

Our audience gave our video excellent in every category, but picked up on the fact that the banana scene was too slow for the music and could even be put on double time rather than slow motion or standard. Other than that point, we we're told that our creativity and shot material was appropriate to our genre with varied shots.


Monday, 13 December 2010

Shots from filming

For this filming session we used material to dance with. The screenshot below shows one of our dancers rolling up the material and flicking it towards the camera to cover the entire screen. We wanted it to do this so that all you can see is red at the end of the shot.

 This screen shot shows one of our dancers twirling with the material to create shapes in the air. The tassels on her outfit are ideal for this kind of shot as they are interesting to the eye when the dancer is spinning around.

The shot below is a close up of one of the dancers with their mask on. This is from a part we filmed of each dancer filling the screen with their head and going around in a circle. We plan to cut this up so that the head appears to jump from place to place and then add an effect over the clip.

 Below, the dancers have rolled their material up and flicked it out in different directions. This clip looks effective because the red material catches your eye all over the screen.

Filming 8/12/10

We needed to re-film our dancing in the performance studio and so we did. However, one of our dancers couldn't make it so we had to replace them. This is not a problem because we are only using footage from this filming session in this location and the dancers are masked.

We used material to dance with to create visual interest. We chose red because it would show up well against the black background.


Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Light Drawing Edits

I used Photoshop to edit the light drawing that i did.
To create the background i altered the contrast until the image behind the light was black.
In the image above i used layers of the light from one image and then altered the colouring.

For these images i just made the whole of it blue and brighter.

I added an effect to this drawing called neon glow and then selected the colour as pink.


So far we have found our footage to be successful as the dancing is in time with the beat of the music and is fairly easy to slot into the video at most points. We roughly have less than about 30 seconds of footage left that we need to paste over black before we have a complete video. 

Last lesson we started editing some of the footage with the ghost trails and speed up effects to give an impression of robotic malfunction as Emma described in a previous post, however the group decided that it would be easier and much more efficient if we leave the editing until last once we have filled all gaps in the music video. 

We filmed roughly 2/3 weeks ago in the dance studio in college and when we imported the footage we noticed that the curtains in the studio had gaps in causing daylight to shine through the windows and generally make the footage seem quite tacky.  Therefor, we are re-filming this section today. 

We are also giving ourself more time to film as last time we only had a half an hour gap between 15:30 and 16:00 due to enrichment in the studio. Whereas today we are filming between 15:30 and 17:30 giving ourself more time to check the setting and framing.


Monday, 6 December 2010

Light Drawing Experiments

I finally got to do the light drawing. I went out one night with my friend who showed me how to do different things with the light. For every image we used a long shutter speed on the camera to capture all the light we used.
You have to make sure the torch is not pointed directly at the camera otherwise a star of bright light shows up in the image.

In the image above we used a stick with lots of torches attached to it and swung it around in a circular motion to crate a ball.

For these images below we used a circle of wire with LED wire wrapped around it and moved the object around in different ways to achieve different effects. For the one directly below, I moved the hoop away from the camera in a straight line to create a tunnel.

With this one, we came in from the side with the hoop and wavered it up and down which creates a pipe.

For the image below we wavered the object closer to the camera which gave this staggered circle effect that looks really unusual.

We also did the same for this image, but started a bit further back wavering the hoop around. This gave more circles on the image.

To create the spiral we moved the hoop in a circular motion side to side.

For the two drawings below, both of us had a torch and ran around waving it randomly high and low.


Late college bus 6/12/10

With my college bus being held up really badly today I missed most of our lesson and wasn't able to work on anything much. also, I was unable to get hold of my photos from the light drawing session i did a week ago because the snow fall meant it was impossible to get anywhere.

Today, i managed to find the right font and colouring for the CD cover.


Todays Lesson - 6/12/10

In today's lesson we focused our time on our music video. The first half an hour to hour was spent on splitting clips and adding the right effects to them. The clips we were mainly looking at were the head and body jerks. The effects were chose on these were the "Fast/Slow Reverse" and the "Ghost Trails". It took us a while to choose the best speed and the opacity for the ghost trails but we got there in the end. 

We chose to have the Ghost Trails settings at:
Effect In: 00:00
   Effect Out: 04:18
Tail: Long
Steps: Long
Opacity: Opaque

We chose these settings because we wanted to be able to see the multiple trails as Harriet Gibson's head moves. We are going to use these exact settings for each body and head jerk clips.

Our next task is to re-film a dance sequence in the dance studio at college. We have planned to shoot from 3:30pm til 5:30pm on Wednesday 8th December. Our teacher Mel will stay with us during the shoot to give us help when we need it. 

The project deadline has been forwarded to January 2011. This will give us plenty of time if we need to re-film. 


Wednesday, 1 December 2010


Over the past couple of days there has been inches and inches of snow falling over Nottingham and neighbouring towns. We planned to film on Wednesday 1st December. Hopefully by next week we should be able to film what we had planned.
