Research and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th

Finished Music Video: January 11th

Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog:13th January

Monday 6 December 2010

Light Drawing Experiments

I finally got to do the light drawing. I went out one night with my friend who showed me how to do different things with the light. For every image we used a long shutter speed on the camera to capture all the light we used.
You have to make sure the torch is not pointed directly at the camera otherwise a star of bright light shows up in the image.

In the image above we used a stick with lots of torches attached to it and swung it around in a circular motion to crate a ball.

For these images below we used a circle of wire with LED wire wrapped around it and moved the object around in different ways to achieve different effects. For the one directly below, I moved the hoop away from the camera in a straight line to create a tunnel.

With this one, we came in from the side with the hoop and wavered it up and down which creates a pipe.

For the image below we wavered the object closer to the camera which gave this staggered circle effect that looks really unusual.

We also did the same for this image, but started a bit further back wavering the hoop around. This gave more circles on the image.

To create the spiral we moved the hoop in a circular motion side to side.

For the two drawings below, both of us had a torch and ran around waving it randomly high and low.


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