Research and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th

Finished Music Video: January 11th

Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog:13th January

Thursday 7 October 2010


On the whole, we think our pitch went well and only had a few bad points. Those being the fact that we didn't include points on location and who we wanted to cast. Other than that everything ran smoothly. The feedback that we got from the class was positive on the whole, but some people made some valid critical points. Here's what people said:

"Repetitive song with no lyrics"
Our response to this would we that, yes the song is repetitive but hopefully with us making our video interesting and fast paced this wont be an issue. Also, there are a few lyrics, but a lot is going on in the song so they aren't obvious on first listen.

"What locations will be used?"
As a group, we realised straight after our pitch that we hadn't spoke about location and then gave the response we had planned to this question. Our answer to this was that we will be using a friend's garage that has brightly painted walls with graffiti covering them, possible street location, a field and the green screen - which we mentioned in our pitch.

"Detailed and well thought out pitch"
This was good to hear as we did try to include everything we had thought of for our music video with plenty of examples.

"When using dancers in unison, they will need to be well rehearsed"
Harriet does dance A level and outside of college time so she will be choreographing a routine with dancers from college. We will start this early so there is plenty of time for rehearsal.

"Lots of stuff going on"
This comment was nice to hear because our song is so repetitive and we tried to incorporate lots of ideas and content.

The people we are starring in the video have unique styling and have outfits with accessories to wear, so we will ask them to provide their own outlandlish costume. The only cost to us will be glitter and UV paint for faces, which we intend to purchase from ebay. Added to this will be a small amount of material, and this we can buy cheap from a market. The cost of making our video will not be great because we will split it equally between the 3 of us. We have estimated to spend about £10 each, which is not a great amount for our video to look good. For the paint fight we could use paint we already have at out houses and possibly add colouring to make it brighter or use water and add colouring to it. College will provide us with a UV light, so we wont need to hire or buy one.

"Interesting but difficult"
We are willing to rise to this challenge and we dont think it will be too difficult with our resources.

"Re-filming could be tricky"
We will make sure we get plenty of footage of the days we shoot and will group everything together that requires continuity. We will shoot each scene from plenty of angles and make sure we have a long shot of each scene all the way through in case of emergency.

Our friends garage is full of paint and has brightly coloured graffiti walls, so it isnt an issue for our filming being messy.

"Too complicated?"
With our song being so repetitive our video needs to be complex or the audience will get bored and thats the last thing we want, as the purpose of a music video is to entertain.


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